1. Never touch my leg. It burns next to the eternal yule log.
I have been branded by the touch of others. But with permission all is well.
2. I feel stabbed in my leg, calf or foot. I walk slow because it seems like butcher knife follows me stabbing me in mý calf.
3. Wake me for pain pills or prepare for me to wail for for hours until the next dose.
4. Sometimes I just need to color all night. My symptoms hurt.
5. Sometimes the covers are too heavy and I call out for someone to remove them. My leg burns or electrical zaps consumes it.
6. I will want to get out of my pants as soon as I can. I love clothes but now I only harem pants or super soft material.
7. I will do PT according to what my body can tolerate tomorrow not today. My pain does not hurt much now but later I will pay.
8. Allow me to sleep until the pain subsides. Just save my food.
9. I need my pills on time or early if I previously too an earlier dose.
10. I am probably addicted to these pain pills but I have constantly been in pain since my stroke. This is chronic pain but complex regional pain syndrome is more than intermittent pain.
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