The best laid plans of mice and men! Well my new year intent was sabotages by a bout of nasty flu. It attacked my muscles and they ached terribly. It even affected my walking and it felt like I was going backward. On3e night of heavy blankets and sweating and the fever broke an by Thursday I felt better but was washed out energy wise so I decided the better path was to rest and recuperate so cancelled Yoga and Gym. I also had a presentation scheduled for Sunday and wanted to conserve energy for that.
Monday felt sufficiently well that I returned to gym. Im trying to regain some stamina I can manage 9 Mins on the elliptical followed by a circuit of weights. I m incrementing it slowly and Im a long way from the 45 mins and weights I used to do. I may never regain that but Im still pushing for it all be it slowly.
Reduced exercise and eating out hasn 't helped the weight loss but theres always the coming week!
Wed: in bed with Flu
THr: took it easy
Fri: took it easy
Sat: travel to Phoenix: ate out
Sun: Presentation . second since stroke
Mon: Back to Gym
Tue: Acupuncture
Weight 182lbs
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