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Heavy Heart



It is with a heavy heart that I felt the need to inform friends from the stroke network that after having a massive brainstem stroke 15 years and 8 months ago, our beloved Gary passed away in his sleep last night after a short bout with  flu like symptoms.  Memorial services will take place later in the spring in Colorado - for now I can't think straight and in much need of a nap.




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Sarah :


so sorry to hear sad news of Gary's passing. though thanks to you even with his severe disability he was able to live with you at home for almost 16 years.  wishing you strength  in this next phase of your life, you should give yourself few months time before doing any major changes in your life.




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My dear friend, wish I could be with you at this time,  You are a champion. Your Gary had the best of care from you. His needs were always met. Your love for him was never ending. So glad his death was a simple and easy one. Take life easy now. All my love. Sue.

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Sarah-- So very sorry for your loss. You are a warrior- always have been. As others have said, you took such great care of Gary. You will carry on chin high - knowing you always did the very very best for Gary. Although I really don't reach out much anymore, you are always on the fringes of my mind. Knowing you and Gary have continued through life- one step at a time, has shown me my path of one step at a time... God Bless YOU and may God give you strength . Prayers-- NancyL

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Sarah I really have no words that will help.

You had 15 more years with Gary than you initially may not have expected. 

May happy memories warm your heart.

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thank you all for your kind words ....Gary is in a better place now and I am at peace with that.   He is flying high with the angels and is reunited with our youngest son.  I am slowly getting over the bronchitis - doc put me on steroids and other meds for a week and I go back for a follow-up on Thursday of this week.   Dogs are hanging on me when I'm sitting in recliner.   They require more attention now as they too miss him dearly!!   




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Sarah, hope you are over the bronchitis soon, that's my bugbear in winter. The dogs will give you comfort with their attention. Just give them a hug now and again. You take care my friend.

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