


Well I had intended to do a blog every Wednesday but the best laid plans of mice etc.. Yoga seems to be paying off as walking etc seems a little easier but I seem to get out of balance more, but I also recover the balance  quickly. In the mornings you could hardly tell id had a stroke but as the day goes on fatigue will start to show. Headiness/dizziness has receded considerable =. I think that's more the acupuncture.  Im engaging in life more like I used to do. So time has been full and taking me out of the house more which is good. However it has meant that meant that I haven't got to the chat room and missed my post here.


large.DSCN5253.JPG.9410440d5a2f80b72edcb7411397cfe1.JPGI had written off gardening this year but a neighbor Jim (closest) is helping big time and this weekend an old friend I hadn't seen for 11 yrs visited (middle) and all three of us prepping the beds for later planting.

The downside to work - I forgot to stay hydrated and I think this drove up my BP to 169/91 so yesterday I drank much more and also took some THC to help sleep and this morning im at 140/80 which is good for me. Still losing the weight battle at 189 lbs.



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The first part of your blog, i was nodding my head for I can understand that.


Those garden beds are beautiful. My parents have similar style bedding. You are truly doing AMAZING .

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Kev you certainly sound like things are better each day!


Your property would easily fit in down here...have to start calling you an Aussie!

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