Here it goes
Due to the Corona virus - the nursing home had to close doors to visitors and no longer allow the residents to come and go. Dan had stabilized and done very well for the past 2 years. But the biggest reason for that, His time with me and him coming to my work and the large amount of socialization with our family. The new necessary mandates required the home to close their door to protect their residents for the greater good. I respect that 100%. But it left me with a decision to make . He is home with me. So far so good. I couldn't risk the absolute regression he would have made in the home - not coming and going not seeing me. And I knew that this was gonna be a long term lock down at the nursing homes- ( and it needs to be). So I did what is right for us. Bring him home. If it works, - great. If not then , after all this is over, we can return to the way it was in the future. I asked Dan one day, while he listened to the radio if he was afraid with all the news on about the virus and he looked at me and said - very afraid..... So for now, it is what it is..... no complaints yet-- We are fortunate to have options and I am thankful for that. Extrodinary times call for extraordinary measures. Like the rest of the world , we will stay at home and be hopeful and prayerful for the best possible out come
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