Back in the saddle



May day marking the advent of spring, brought temperature in the 80s this week, but with high winds. The mornings although still chilly at high 40s were sunny and not much wind, so its been a week of riding a lot. Some very long trots posting left muscles a bit fatigued but it was good to be riding out again.  The dog enjoys it too!


Been working in the green house also where irrigation problems literally had me on my knees, as the electric are below ground. Working on my knees seemed to put me in positions I would not normally use and the challenged to my balance and induce some headiness and fatigued me more rapidly. My left arm is still unsteady but better than last fall.  My riding is still a little bumpy and it suggests that my core muscles still need to recover. Headiness has diminished to where its just lurking in the background.

Lunches are usually salads form my own green house which is cool. Recover now is more subtle but identifiable as old challenges get to performed naturally. 

Wed: Ride & treadmill

Thur: Ride and garden

Fri: Ride and treadmill

Sat: Ride & garden

Sun: Ride & garden

Mon Ride and Garden

Tue: Ride and garden

Weight same same. too much snacking. BP 158/88 

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Sounds wonderful Kev. I hope you have someone to assist with after ride grooming and tack care. It's usually the cleanup after an activity that does me in.  Some things can't be left for tomorrow.

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