OK Bored Now



So the Governor's Stay Home Edict has now expired in Arizona but out covid-19 numbers are still steadily going up, so Deb an I are just staying home. We have a lot to be grateful for.

1. We are retired and so I don't have to work.

2 Our income is still pretty steady.

3 We don't have to go out much , perhaps once a week tp put trash in the dumpster and pick up mail parcels.

4 we are on a 40 acre, with 2 miles of track for riding the horses.

5 We have a hoop house to play in and get some of our food from it.

6 I'm still alive and so we have each other.

We've been doing a lot of work in the garden , which tends to use up my energy by 10am each day.  So we recoup over a cup of tea. (how British)

Its hard to gage small improvement in recovery but there again the ability to take on more strenuous tasks is sign of improvement on its own. The work puts me in physical position that not always easy and challenging my balance. But I suspect that challenge is in itself helping my brain get better control of my body.


Only did treadmill twice this week but am staying occupied.

Cheers Kev



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I  can't believe that an active mind like yours will be bored for long. I am bored too so looking for new projects to do. I am sewing up a single bed size rug made up of 36 large crochetted squares so that is two or three hours work. Then back to pruning and weeding garden beds. So finding something worthwhile to do is the next step. If you have that  interest time just flies by.

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wow Kevin :

your garden looks beautiful & what plant/flowers r those in your picture.no wonder you have farm on your property with 40 acres you can do so much farming.  I live in NJ so for me even 0.1 acre of land feels great lol. I love your gratitude list.





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