I am reminded of taking it slow
I had my surgery December 14 and yes my mom was able to come into the waiting room and she was able to come back into the pre op room for a moment. She waited in the waiting room and my father sat in the car( his choice) and read . I think my surgery took roughly 2 1/2 hours. I think I saw her after my surgery . I think I messaged a friend, I was very medicated. I then was taken to a room for the night. Reason being I got out of surgery to late to fill my pain medicine. My pharmacy closed at 5p as did the hospital out-patient so the decided to keep me and to watch my swelling and pain. I'm not going to lie.. It's not fun. They had to basically cut me along my right ear to get into the joint. As basic as that may sound, I already have vertigo ( balance issues) and now swelling and trauma near my ear, which is another sense that controls balance.. So basically balance upon balance issues. I get motion sick often when I do ..really anything. The healing was getting better but I was told not to wear my night mouth guard for i grind my teeth.. I was wondering why I was having a harder time with eating my soft chopped diet I was allowed. Well I began grinding my teeth at night and making the pain so unbearable. Pain meds were not even helping. I feel like my jaw is wired shut. To open it is almost impossible but, on a positive note, I was given permission to wear my mouth guard from now one so hopefully that will help a great deal. ((sorry picture is slanted))
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