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The Broken Oak



The Broken Oak


In a lush forestland alone on a hill ,stood a great oak full and secure.

Its branches spread wide, its leaves reaching high into the open sky. its days

filled with warm summer breezes, and soft gentle rains. It stood over the

forest as if it were its domain.

Then came that dark and fateful night when lightening struck and ripped it

apart. The once great oak split into, half of it burning till only ashes it left,

leaving the oak scarred and broke.

An acorn under the ashes was all that was left, It sprouted and grew next to

the once great oak. Its roots flourished and grew mixed with the old scarred

oak. As new branches and leaves helped heal the great oak, and even though

the oak was never quite the same. The old and the new oak grew together until they were once again one and the same. Old scars run deep and youth is flighting, but together they grew something stronger than lightening.

Now in a lush forestland alone on a hill still stands a great oak scarred and changed by lives ebb and flow.

Not all its branches yet spread wide, nor do all its leaves reach to the sky. Some of its days are dark and cold, but beneath it all it continues to grow.


By William A Survivor


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