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Well, got really good news today from my daughter, Phyllis. The spot on her liver is nothing to be concerned about. Thank you, Jesus, for answering that prayer in the affirmative.


Hans is still very listless today. He has run a low grade temp all week and not is not eating or drinking very much. Today has only eaten 1/2 sandwich, a glass of orange juice and about 1/4 fo a soda. Also a Boost drink. That is not much for a big man. His skin feels so dry even though I lotion him really good most every day. I've called him doctor but of course, have not heard from them. Don't know what to do.


Guess I'll just wait and see what happens.


The real estate agent came by today and gave me really good news on this big old barn of a house. She thinks she may be able to get $150,000.00 for it. If that is true, then I can buy something smaller and newer with less yard to take care of. That would be very very good. There are several houses near my aunt and dad that maybe I could get into. We'll see about that too.



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Joy, does Hans have swallowing difficulties? I have to notify my doctor if Ray has a low fever as it can be lung infections from aspiration. An antibiotic usually fixes it and his appetite returns. I am heading towards thickened liquids now for him.

Selling your house is a big thing isn't it? My yard and the garage full of junk are two of the things stopping me selling but down the track it may have to happen.

We can't move close to relatives as ours live all over the place.


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