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things said about me



now there have been some good things sais about me and or to me on this site that i like its really uplifting at times

now im not a fake and im not pretending to be something im not



some people have said im






a legend

now these are just some of the nicest remarks im qouting here

thanks to many many people some of who i dont even know

but hey there vote counts to right

in other words thanks to you all who have and or said these things to me

i try to atleast think now most times lol before i post my coments on this site for helpfull comments in efforts to help somebody else

thats why we are here correct for a shoulder or a lending ear and or hand

but thank you folks for these very very nice comments

i do sometimes hide behind my southern humor to throw of a trail of somewhat disbelive of what you are thinking sometimes like is this guy a redneck or what lol

well i assure you im not a redneck or a dummy yes im very intelligent and yes im a southerner


peace and love and happiness to all who does and does not read this



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blahblah1.gif and here heping other people and giving us a rolleyes.gif

chuckle. You can "snow" some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time.....LOL


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