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friends < under wat circumstances huh??>



friends they say till somin happens and they run like heck pfffft they suck!!

even though they put a thorn in ur butt and your heart it still hurts

found wat i thought was a friend here lately and that person did same to me wats up wit dat crap !!

people in this world today need to get a grip and stop hurting people


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Stan, some friends come and go throught life. We change, they change..

people move away.

but remeber the bright spots that person brought to you, each person we meet may have made a differnce to our lives.


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hey Stan:


I agree with wise comments of bonnie, friends do come and go but remeber fun times they brought with them


you still have ton ofjriends here bud



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for me, it takes a long time and a lot of interactions with a particular person before i call them a close friend. it is harder to get to know people on-line because one does not have the advantage of non-verbal, 'right brain' communications.


i don't think that i can comment on your situation, even indirectly, because i think that a lot of relevant interactions happened before i was active on this site. sometimes people put on a shiny new 'coat' of one type of friendly persona, but beneath it their not pretty true self lurks. then, when situations change, their true self comes out and stings you.


i'm sorry that you were so hurt by this person. please don't assume that everyone else on this site is hurtful and not ever to be trusted. despite being a fan of Charlie Daniels, you have a lot of good qualities and are an asset to this site.


sandy cloud9.gif

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In addition to what the others have said, I think that people often have unrealistic expectations of what friendship really is or could be, especially when people are just starting to get to know each other. Sometimes people pull back because they have too much on their own plates at the time to get any more involved. When that happens, it isn't a statement about anything else except expecting too much too soon. I have no idea what happened between you and another member or if anything any of us is saying here relates in anyway. I just wanted to leave some sort of a comment.



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great replies bonnie and jean wow took the words outa my mind though really and know its not someone on this site miss jean

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