What else can we give up
More thoughts from a recovering brain!! What else will be asked to give up??
Early on, and some time ago, the question came up, how could God let something like this happen? The attack on WTC, Hurricanes in Florida last year, this year, then hurricane and flooding in New Orleans and in Texas.
Let's not forget the invasion of Iraq by US forces and the almost 2000 US lives lost as a result. What about the lives of other forces and those countrymen killed while we try to change their lifestyles???
I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are. Ofcourse all of this is spoken of in terms in the bible to some degree. Even the return of Christ to this earth.
For years now we have been telling God to get out of our schools, lives, and government. No prayer in school, same sex marriage, no ten commandments in government buildings, and so on, including remove "under God" in the pledge.
Being who he is, knowing we can't handle it, he let us prove to ourselves without him we are a lost people. How can we expect God to give us his blessing and his protection if we demand he leave us alone? The choice is ours "to serve or not to serve him, we have that freedom of choice.
In light of recent events, school shootings, kids killing their parents, themselves and others, I think it started when a lady complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, we said OK, A man didn't want his daughter saying "under God" in the pledge, we said OK.
Then it was said, not to let the bible be read in schools or pray out loud, had to be a silent prayer about a minute, we said OK. We did away with spanking our children when they misbehave. They were put in "time out" at school and home. We Okayed that. Now their time out is in jail for life at an early age.
Now we ask ourselves whats wrong with this younger generation? Where did "yes Sir", "No Ma'am", and "thank you" go. Probably if we think about it long enough, we can find the answer. I think it has a great deal to do with "We reap what we SOW."
WHAT ELSE CAN WE GIVE UP? Before we know it, it will be against the law to say "O my God!" "Lord have Mercy!" or to bless our food before we eat, and many other sayings when we are in trouble at the moment.
If you are a believer, you understand my feelings. If you are not, I understand yours, and that's the power of freedom of speech and religion in the free world.
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