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Hans' surgery



I haven't blogged in a few days now - been at the hospital with my Sweetie. Last Monday he was in so much pain that I loaded him up and took him to the ER. After a Colonoscopy, CT Scan, Barium Enema and Sonogram, the Surgeon decided that he really need to have a Colostomy. They did that Wednesday afternoon. He handled the surgery wonderfully. Instead of the hour and a half they had told me it would take, it only took 45 minutes. The doctor said it was a Textbook Surgery and he was so pleased with the way things went. He said Hans' colon was 8 times larger than it should have been. He said it probably would have ruptured or at least begun to leak into the abdominal cavity really soon. I am glad we went ahead with the surgery. He has not been eating and that bothers me. I finally got him to eat a cookie and drink 1/2 of a milk shake today. He does not drink near enough but I don't know how to get him to drink more. I have taken everything I can think of to the hospital and he just shakes his head.


Hopefully he will get to come home by Wednesday and we can get started learning how to take care of this new thingie. It looks easy enough but I can just see me spilling the whole thing and having such a mess to clean up and embarrassing Hans half to death. He is sensitive about that. When he was messing up his diapers and pads to bad, he would just shake his head and say "Oh, No". I want to be really good at taking care of him.


Well, I am exhausted tonight and need some sleep. Maybe the dog and cat won't fight tonight and we can all sleep all night.


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So sorry to read this. Certainly Hans and you had enough before. I take it that this was permanent. It could be though that this will be easier all around once you get to doing it. I'm sure they will teach you the correct way and there will be no accidents. And as you said, it probably would have happened sooner or later. At least now, it done and over and all went well.



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I know this probably won't help your situation any, but my good friend had one done too, and she prefers it to the natural way God intended. She feels lucky, and can't remember life with out it! I hope you guys both adjust to the new equipment.


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Best wishes to you both, and this may be easier than diapers..and less embarrasing. I am sure you will do well and I know places have classes and support for colostomies.

Best wishes to you both


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I am happy to know his surgery went well. As a nurse I have taken care of many colostomys. The nurses in the hospital should instruct you on how to take care of a colostomy before your husband returns home. I'm sure you will be able to care for it with no problems. Also you can ask to meet with a hospital dietician to find out what foods are best to give your husband who has colostomy.

Take care


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