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debate over neurologist



im supposed to go to the neurologist today

but i myself think they are just over paid cold docs , yes he will mri me more than likely tell me yes sir you have brain damage you have hd a stroke


well duhh no crap i allready know these things so what is the since in going to a



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Stan, I agree with you on their attitude about what will help you and what will not. Seem like if its not medicine you take, they disagree on other forms of rehab.


Mine had blood work ordered and don't see me for another month or more about the results.

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its a disgrace that so many doctors have unhelpful attitudes with patients. i'm embarrased to share a profession with people who are like that.


stan, i don't know the mechanism behind your stroke(s), so i can't say whether or not it's approrpiate for a neurologist or some other species of doctor to follow you.a doctor should be following you on a regular basis, though. if you find him/her unhelpful, find another one.


fred, i would make an absolute pest of myself until your neurologist tells you the results of your blood tests, whether they were normal or not, what he was looking for, and what the next step in your treatment will be. if you have a fax machine, have his secretary fax you the results, and then call your neurologist to talk about them. you can always use me as your 'cousin in New York who is a doctor' who wants to know your results as a reason to get him/her to fax the results to you.


sandy wicked.gif

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Stan, as with all Dr.s there are some that you feel comfortable with and some not. I absolutely did not the neurologist I was given. Fortunately, my BIL went to one he liked a lot, and if he could find a Dr. he liked, I would like him too. I do. He is a bonafide Shrinkand a specialist who reads MRI's and MRA's etc. He's like a kid looking in a candy shop window with those. Since my stroke was stress related, he's definitely right for me. My gosh, does he ever write a lot. No computer, no dictaphone right there, just a pen and your record. oh and a popsickle stick and a large safety pin! (The neurology tools he uses and ofcourse the hammer. roflmao.gif
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