My brain is improving
Remembering the time before my stroke, I felt very tired and at the end of my rope. I felt like my work as a nursing aide was killing my spirit and drawing my life's blood(!) I definately felt I was on the verge of a breakdown. When the stroke occured, a release valve went off at the same time. It seemed that through this event I could finally get the much needed REST I would have required to feel well again. The healing process after the stroke went well as I recovered my arm function within the first 6 months, and apart from suffering from a frozen shoulder, I know I will be"functional" enough to work outside the home. Hopefully the problems with my employer will be resolved so I can be relocated to a less physically demanding type of work. They're putting up such a fight it's draining but I'm holding up until the time it will be resolved one way or another. I have no choice and so much at stake...(my pension etc.) ANyway, on another note I'm happy to say that today I passed my first FRENCH exam and it was okay. Of course the paper will be graded but I feel confident I did fairly well. When I started this course in February my brain was not "catching" it at all. I've had to drop the book and I picked it up again in May and found that my brain was picking up the material!!!! So I'm quite happy about this. For this reason I am content. That's about it for now.
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