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My brain is improving



Remembering the time before my stroke, I felt very tired and at the end of my rope. I felt like my work as a nursing aide was killing my spirit and drawing my life's blood(!) I definately felt I was on the verge of a breakdown. When the stroke occured, a release valve went off at the same time. It seemed that through this event I could finally get the much needed REST I would have required to feel well again. The healing process after the stroke went well as I recovered my arm function within the first 6 months, and apart from suffering from a frozen shoulder, I know I will be"functional" enough to work outside the home. Hopefully the problems with my employer will be resolved so I can be relocated to a less physically demanding type of work. They're putting up such a fight yikes.gif it's draining but I'm holding up until the time it will be resolved one way or another. I have no choice and so much at stake...(my pension etc.) ANyway, on another note I'm happy to say that today I passed my first FRENCH exam and it was okay. Of course the paper will be graded but I feel confident I did fairly well. When I started this course in February my brain was not "catching" it at all. I've had to drop the book and I picked it up again in May and found that my brain was picking up the material!!!! bouncesmile.gif So I'm quite happy about this. For this reason I am content. That's about it for now. cloud9.gif


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glad to see you back and glad for your progress


really sorry to hear the problems with your employer have not been resolved yet


pash.gifhiya.gif Bonnie (dawghouse)

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I have missed hearing from you, and I was hoping you were doing okay. I know this thing with your employer has been very difficult. Hang in there, it has to end sometime, hopefully very soon. Good luck, I am hoping things go your way!


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That is so good! When I was in rehab, one of the people in my 'alumni" at RIC was Revie Sorey, the great wall of the famous Walter Payton of the 85' Superbowl Chicago Bears. Revie was in the middle of his masters degree at the time of his stroke. There was a recent article in the Chicago Tribune that said Revie went back and finished his masters and is back to work for the same university recruiting players and in his free time he runs a youth football camp and does charity work...He was always an inspiration while all of us were relearning to walk. His was a bit more challenging, 6'5". 350 lbs...You've started down the road to making your life better by learning.. beer.gif my hat is off to ya!

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