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Margaret's Funny Farm



Rant-On: I sometimes think that I should write a book, and then I laugh. I barely have time to sit here for a few minutes and bitch about things. Since the barn fell last week I have been working to get a shelter built for the cattle for winter and trying to get the new addition to the house finished, while taking mom in for her dr. appointments, scheduling her next cancer surgery and dealing with some people that seem to think that I am a real push over while they try to steal a part of my land. And a very dear husband that almost let them get away with it because he just didn't understand what was going on.


Then the untruths I have been told from the adoption agency. I was always brought up being told that if you say you are going to do something, then you had better do your darndest to do it. Not just pass the buck on to the next sucker you find. The kids have been calling me a vampire because they say they never see me sleep. Maybe it is because I don't sleep very much anymore. Argh.gif


I am a fighter,fighter.gif and I don't give up easily, but I wish a few more would jump on the band wagon with me. I am at the point that it seems worthless to even ask for help anymore. Tantrum.gif Gee, does it sound like I am having a bad day? I'm not, because I am not allowed to show anything like that. I am suppose to walk around here with a permanent smile plastered on my face and never complain. Last I knew I was a human too. Scratch-Head.gif


It seems so silly to cry over the barn falling in and that my covered wagon got crunched, but they were things that meant a lot to me. But they were just things. I love my family so much, and would do anything in my power to make things go right for them. My husband is such a caring and kind man most of the time and my parents can't help that they are old and sick and need help. It just seems like I am on overload lately and don't know when the end is in sight. This place seems to be my only get away for now. And I thank God that it is here. Rant-Off.gif


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There are bad days, bad months and bad years. Hope yours is just a bad day.

Having young kids and elderly parents is a combination guaranteed to tire you out.

Can't help with the barn falling down, bits here fall off and I curse that my lovely handyman/carpenter had a series of strokes and can't help me now.

Life goes haywire sometimes so an occassional rant or pity party does no harm, so hope you smile comes back soon.


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Hi MM,


You need to take that smile off your face once in a while and rant and rave. It feels good to occasionally get it all out of your system even if the only ones that hear you are the trees on your property. Hang in there!!!



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Warm fuzzy hugs being sent your way. You do not have to keep a smile plastered on all the time. It is okay to let someone know you are human. It's okay to take the superwoman cape off for a while.


Hope things are going better, soory about the barn and wagon Argh.gif


Bonnie pash.gifpash.gif

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