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The further I go....The behinder I get



Here I am sitting wrapped up in my baby grandaughters nice soft fleece blanket typing on this silly old keyboard. Why? There are so many things that I need to get done but here I am. head_hurts.gif I can't stop thinking about everything. Grandma's little girl looks so much better today. After last weeks scare of her stopping breathing in the middle of a traffic jam and this week covered from head to toe with a rash. She is allergic to that antibiotic too. I did manage to finish the trim in the girls new room today. At least something is complete. My dinner dishes are still waiting and the laundry is piled high. Dad was complaining to me tonight that I never tell him anything. He said I didn't tell him that mom was scheduled for surgery and wanted to know why I was keeping him in the dark. I think that I will make him a daily journal that he can look back at to help- him remember things. His alzheimers is getting worse. sad.gif I love him so much and hate to see the man that I admire so much lose it to this awful disease. It is so hard watching both parents deteriorate before your eyes and all I can do is watch and try to make things as easy as possible for them. I am dreading the upcoming holidays. With the four new children and the grandbabies I shouldn't be. Dick is having trouble with circulation again and is so cold all the time. Time for another Dr. appointment for him. He is back to sleeping a whole lot more too and that worries me. He usually takes the two little ones down to the bus stop in the morning for me, but can't seem to wake up and warm up to do it. His attitude really sucks lately too. That is so hard to take. He tells me I need to get some rest , but when ? By the time I get everyone settled for the night my brain goes into high speed or someone wakes me if I do fall asleep. I love my family so much but I need the quiet time for me ever now and then. But then I get behind in everything and then the cycle begins again.

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MM you are the "GREATEST" you have 4 new children, caregiver to parents and husband and Grandma.....I see a beautiful burgundy cape with a silver lame lining around your shoulders. But you do need to find a phone booth for a little quiet time. HOW? I have no clue. Can you set a chore list and enlist the kids to help with certain things.. Like helping you sort clothes or fold laundry.. Sometimes the dust bunnies just have to multiply before you can ge them. When my grandson was younger he loved to vacuum. He did pretty good too.


Don't want to see you burn out!!!!! Please take care


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