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Something is Wrong!!!!



For the past 3 weeks, Chris has been having trouble breathing. He claims he cannot get the air in. Sometimes he will go into a coughing spell that will choke him. I have been in constant contact with his doctor - and finally last Friday I called the ambulance. All tests came back negative and still no solution. His doctor has increased his Ativan - she feels that this could all be anxiety. Tomorrow he has an appointment at this family doctor for a 6 month check-up.


He still continues to claim that he has trouble breathing. I have noticed for the past few days that his ankles and feet are really swollen and his affected hand is also swollen. His urinary output has decreased to about of 1/3 of what it was. He stills claims he doesn't feel good.


I really feel right now that he is giving up. We just went through another disappointment. His insurance would only approve 1 week stay at a sub-acute rehab. The rehab was told that due to the time that has gone by since his stroke, the insurance doctors feel that he will make no advancement. I feel like I have been fighting city hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are still waiting for an answer as to if they will approve out-patient PT. But as time goes by I am losing my hope that anything will be approved.


If the insurance will not approve anything for him, then I have deceided to hire a private physical therapist to come into the house at least 1 time a week and show me new strength building exercises to do with him.


I really curious, but yet somewhat afraid of what the doctor may have to say tommorrow............I hope he doesn't end up in the hospital for a battery of tests. And I really hope that nothing is going wrong with his kidneys. So tonight I'll shoot my prayers to the only one who can really help him in this situation.




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Will say prayers for Chris and you also.

Has been drinking less fluids? Is he on BP meds and if so do they have a diuertic? Also some BP meds can cause cough,

Hopeing all goes well tomorrow. If he gets into the rehab and makes progress you will be able to get more. But sounds like other issues need to be addressed so he can go into rehab strong & ready to work.


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Ray 'gives up" from time to time. I try to motivate him out of it but it is something he has to do himself.

With Chris's lethargy, is there low oxygen in his blood? Is his skin clammy? Did they try him on oxygen? Of course sometimes it's viral or swallowing problems may cause aspiration and a low grade fever.

Unfortunately not everything shows up in the tests.

Don't think of the rehab a ONLY one week, think of it as SEVEN days. And tell him it is like a shot of rocket fuel, compact but powerful.

We'll be praying for you both.


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