Something is Wrong!!!!
For the past 3 weeks, Chris has been having trouble breathing. He claims he cannot get the air in. Sometimes he will go into a coughing spell that will choke him. I have been in constant contact with his doctor - and finally last Friday I called the ambulance. All tests came back negative and still no solution. His doctor has increased his Ativan - she feels that this could all be anxiety. Tomorrow he has an appointment at this family doctor for a 6 month check-up.
He still continues to claim that he has trouble breathing. I have noticed for the past few days that his ankles and feet are really swollen and his affected hand is also swollen. His urinary output has decreased to about of 1/3 of what it was. He stills claims he doesn't feel good.
I really feel right now that he is giving up. We just went through another disappointment. His insurance would only approve 1 week stay at a sub-acute rehab. The rehab was told that due to the time that has gone by since his stroke, the insurance doctors feel that he will make no advancement. I feel like I have been fighting city hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are still waiting for an answer as to if they will approve out-patient PT. But as time goes by I am losing my hope that anything will be approved.
If the insurance will not approve anything for him, then I have deceided to hire a private physical therapist to come into the house at least 1 time a week and show me new strength building exercises to do with him.
I really curious, but yet somewhat afraid of what the doctor may have to say tommorrow............I hope he doesn't end up in the hospital for a battery of tests. And I really hope that nothing is going wrong with his kidneys. So tonight I'll shoot my prayers to the only one who can really help him in this situation.
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