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I guess I'm going to make myself many enemies but I am sick and tired of hearing about god helping people post having their stroke. I heard many times, we'll pray for you, god put this on your journey to make you stronger and bla bla bla. Here is the problem. I don't believe in god and I guess it is lucky for it would be a pretty bad thing to do to people. I'm sure that I am not the only one out there who had a stroke or any other debilitating disease that doesn't believe in god.

I know that religion gives a lot of strength to people (part of why my grandmother survived everything and is still in good spirits at 93) and I wish that I could believe in god. But I don't. So instead of only praying for stroke survivors, maybe people could do something else, wish me courage, luck. And that is all that me and maybe other non god believers really want to hear. Something that hits more home, however well the prayers are meant.


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I'll put in my 2 cents worth. I'm a pro-God person and when I say I'll pray for you I do mean I'll send you my positive thought for your healing, I wish you all the good things in life etc.

Keep positive about life and it makes all the difference.

My faith in a higher power who I refer to as God certainly keeps me centered. Like it does your grandmother.

Don't sweat the small things.

Sue. pash.gif

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Ok, I believe in God, did before my stroke, so I'm not a person that had an eye-opener after my stroke. I don't go on and on here about my belief, but I firmly believe that most people know how I feel.


Yes, I'm a believer, and proud of that, but I'm aware that there are many beliefs and non-beliefs on here. I didn't come to this site to start fighting with anyone just because they don't believe as I do. I come on here to get and give stroke support, period. If in some way I can talk to someone about the way I believe, so be it.


I'm aware that in a perfect world we would all believe the same, but the last time I checked this isn't a perfect world.


So go ahead and have your own beliefs, different from mine, that's ok. But know that I won't change and I don't think that it will keep me from giving stroke support from all that I can.


Am I upset at what you said? Not a chance biggrin2.gif

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I once opened this can of worms.... I believe as you do. I don't believe in a God or organized religon. But many do and they use all the religous references quite freely. I have come to the understanding that all of their references give them comfort, not me. So I shrug my shoulders and continue on. I wish there was a bit more balance in the understanding of non believers vs. believers. That we are all diverse and all have our own beliefs and we all don't have to be clones of one another. But that is a freedom we have here in this country, the freedom to believe what we want, the freedom to choose. The freedom that we don't have to conform. My suggestion is just ignore all those references, and be comfortable in the fact that you follow a path of your own choosing.


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Religion has also been discussed with me many times since I stroked.

My coworkers told me that my stroke was God's way of telling me to slow down and not live life in the fast lane.I have not come to terms with that completely.

I do have faith in God,but believe that my stroke was not something God had control over.

I recently spoke to a guy who told me maybe my stroke was because of karma.

This guy thought he could believe in God and in karma.His way of overcoming his divorce was with his belief in karma. People have beliefs for different reasons.

I truly believe in the miracle that we are still here,post stroke.

We have the freedom to believe in what we want and that is what makes the world a better place to be.

Take Care


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