I guess I'm going to make myself many enemies but I am sick and tired of hearing about god helping people post having their stroke. I heard many times, we'll pray for you, god put this on your journey to make you stronger and bla bla bla. Here is the problem. I don't believe in god and I guess it is lucky for it would be a pretty bad thing to do to people. I'm sure that I am not the only one out there who had a stroke or any other debilitating disease that doesn't believe in god.
I know that religion gives a lot of strength to people (part of why my grandmother survived everything and is still in good spirits at 93) and I wish that I could believe in god. But I don't. So instead of only praying for stroke survivors, maybe people could do something else, wish me courage, luck. And that is all that me and maybe other non god believers really want to hear. Something that hits more home, however well the prayers are meant.
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