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FDNY and me



Right now, I am thinking of what I did to deserve this. Bad enough I had a stroke,and now they call me disabled, but the city of New York is still fighting my pension request. I have written to the mayor, and several other politicians to no avail. Maybe I will try the newspapers. If the people of the city of New York knew how the city was treating the workers from the WTC so shabbily, it might embarass the city into doing the right thing. I know I should write a list of 100 things about myself to start this blog off, but right now all I can think of is the way the FDNY is treating me, after working for them for 34 years.


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Sometimes the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing, especially when it comes to any level of gov't.


Wishing you the best, whatever you decide.

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hi jim


my name is sandy and i live in Brooklyn, NY, in Fulton Ferry Landing.

i stroked 8 years ago on 8/16/97.


i think that the powers that be really suck sometimes and need to be pushed, sometimes off a cliff. i think that maybe you should call Channel 7's "shame on You", and the newspapers. if you live in Bklyn, you can also call the Boro President and the neighborhood newspapers (don't know politics of other boros.)


you can pm me any time.


sandy cloud9.gif

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Hi Jim,

It is truly a shame that you are not being granted your pension after all the years you worked.

I paid into disability pension for 25+ years and the co. will only give me income x

1 more year,2yrs maximum,then I have to claim from provincial or federal government where y have to be totally disabled. I could end up with minimum wage job after all the years I spent in nursing and thought I had great benefits.

Have you gone the lawyer route?

I will be tempted to if all doesn't go in my favour in getting another position.

You truly deserve your pension and more after working that many years.

You must have saved lots of lives as a fireman

Don't give up your fight for your pension1

Take care

lorrainelm cloud9.gif

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