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the inertia factor



on monday i went with job to his rehab doctor. john is in the process of being placed in a 'phase 2' 6 month day treatment program at Mount Sinai Medical Center for cognitive rhab of his TBI. John has gained weight, sleeps a lot, is depressed, is extremely apathetic, and is in denial of all of the above. his rhab doctor said that apathy and inertia are sequelae (aftereffects)of brain injuries and that it when John is in the routine of being in a therapeutic environment he would be last apathetic. since this doctor had also been my rehab doctor, i made little noises about not being apathetic when i was under his care, which he recognized and agreed with (nodded.)


i wonder if it's true that we who are active on this board as stroke survivors are the atypical ones and that most survivors of brain injuries are apathetic and suffer from inertia. i know that my dad goes through periods of extreme frustration and depression, but with the extent of his deficits, for him apathy would have equalled death. i know that i have never been apathetic. i also see, though, that even though we have over 4000 members (i do not know how this breaks up between survivors and caregivers), only several hundred are active (if that) at any given time. i wonder if apathy and inertia has anything to do with that.


there is probably a biological component to this inertia. however, the major sequelae of my stroke was a biochemical mixup that requires me to imbibe prescribed mood-altering substances, probably for life. without these medications, i would probably be apathetic and worse, but i choose to take them. when you think about it, all thougt/emotion/feeling/etc. can be explained biologically, or psychologically, or spiritually, or all of the above simultaneuosly.


Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying, "there are no victims. there are only volunteers." my translation of that slogan is, "s**t happens. how you deal (or not deal) with it determines whether you become a survivor or a volunteer for victimhood."




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I like your blogs, but you are too far intellectual in your choice of words for my little nonenglish brain, but I loved your last line of poop happens




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that's only because i'm not allowed to curse the way i would like to on the board. Jean would delete me.


sandy :giggle:

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I would not delete you but the word filter would. I don't program the word filter. I probably swear as much as you do. Don's stroke taught me how. :D


On the topic of apathy with members who do not take part on the message board: I don't think that is true at all. I used to publish and edit a 24-28 page subcription newsletter for over a decade. It was reader driven, like our message board, meaning people sent me opinions on subjects I threw out for debate (among other things) and I decided what to print to give a balance of opinions. Of my subscription base about 1/5 actually took part in sending in stuff and they were all a bunch of want-a-be writers, groupie readers plus a bunch of well-known published authors---all people with writing language skills. Not a cross section of people, by any means.


I once ran the statistics for the number of members on this site vs. those who had ever posted and it came out to be around the same 1/5 ratio. It takes a certain type of person who wants to express themselves in a public forum like this one (and has the time to do it). Most others are happy to just read what others are saying. It's not an apathy issue. It's just human nature.


Apathy is an interesting topic. I've often wondered if it was about chemical imbalances in the brain.



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I think tiredness is a big factor in apathy too. Tiredness coupled with mild depression can crush those active, go-get-em thoughts out of your head. I had viral pneumonia and sat for six weeks just breathing in and out so I know how it feels.



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