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Long time, no Blog



There hasn't been much happening. We all have cabin fever in our household.


Lisa and I went for a limo ride with some of her friends last Saturday. It don't see what the big deal is. O.K., it's a big car that holds 15 people. I get it. But, some people were all crazy over it. Like this is how the "other half" lives? $100 an hour and $6 Andre.


The company I work for is having its Holiday Party this weekend. We don't have it around that time because everyone is busy, and it's nice to have something in February to break up the winter blues in Minnesota. I found out the place that was chosen is not handicap accessible. Nice! Lisa has been pestering me when it is, and now I have to tell her we can't go. The guys who work for me say I should file a law suit.


Therapy is going very well. Lisa is much stonger than when she came home Nov. 4. She is attempting to be more independent. That kind of scares me a little. I worry about her falling, but I know it's going to happen. There is no way around it.


Me, the golf bug has bitten me hard. I have been going to the indoor facility to work on my swing at lunch and it's starting to come back. I didn't get to play much last year and am hoping to make up for it. About 2 more months to go.


We discussed going on a vacation some time. Lisa wants to do the full 2 weeks in Texas that we do every year. We love Texas. Everything seems so much slower there compared to Minnesota. One year, I stopped at a McDonalds to ask for directions and because my speech pattern is so fast, the girl couldn't understand me. She looked at me like I was speaking French. I think Texas might be a little much, maybe start with a weekend in the Cities first.


Even though I am not entering much, I still read all of your blogs every day. I am glad to see that things are going fairly well for all of you.





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By 'not handicapped' accessible, what exactly do you mean? Are there steps, a bathroom that is too small? Don and I go to places that aren't accessible to a wheelchair because of one to three steps, but we go anyway. I just make sure we get there early and leave early so we can find plenty of guys on their way in or out to help get Don up the steps. We've never lacked for volunteers. He limits his liquids on those days and while at the event so that the bathroom isn't a problem. An entire set of steps to a lower level doesn't work this way but in that case you might call ahead to see if they have a service elevator not generally open to the public. They can't refuse to let you use it---at least if they are smart. If all this fails to address the issue, maybe you and Lisa could invisit some of our co-workers over to your house for drinks before or after they go to the main event.

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I kind of go along with Jean. It's surprising that they aren't handicapped accessible. I thought it's common now - then again I guess it's not actually the law and maybe some areas. especially here in Florida, see many handicapped people do to the older population. Are you sure there isn't a way? I'm sure it's a bit of a disappointment when you can't go to something because you are handicapped.


As for falling, I was taught almost right away how to get back on a low bed from the floor. Wasn't there any training. What I am trying to say is that people do fall but do not hurt themselbes. Perhaps we let down easily. There are also ways to "help the person up. I wanted to work in the yard; I love pulling weeds and so asked how to get up from that. It is doable; you just need a therapist show how and take a few minutes for your practice. Does Lisa still get therapy? These are a few advanced things that are good to know.


Well, a few short months and you will be able to get back on the golf course again. Life will slowly but surely start to come back for the 2 of you.

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Houddee Butch, (that's texan) I say come on down to The little state of Texas. Especially central, here in the home land of many soldiers going and coming from Iraq. I see this being the case for as long as there are troops in Iraq.


We have so many handicapped persons here until it looks like the norm instead of the exception. Since there are troops living in every neighborhood, all the sidewalks, streets, public places and everywhere people go or visit, is redesigned to make access easy for us.


I guess they know we eat out and shop too. That's probably not true in some cities, but here they really care. We'll be glad to host you all in our city and the weather reminds you of spring time right now.


Everything is laid back, so, come on down and take a break from the snow.


:o :beer:

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Service elevator is good idea, Ray and I use those, bathroom is something else but at least ring and see if there is a locker room or somewhere you could use instead, we once used a cleaner's room.


It s a pity when businesses don't comply with disabled access but try and see it as their problem not yours. Ring and say:"We are coming to a function there and this is what we require." Then is is their problem and they need to offer suggestions.



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