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Educating about strokes...



I just found that typing hurts my hand alot less than writing, I've been trying to keep a journel...I needed to get a few things off my chest but just remember how to use this blog. It is now 1am and I am tired but I never seem to sleep. Since the stroke I am less active and I don't fall asleep just stay fatigued. I look in the mirror and don't even notice myself sometimes. I'm only 35 but I feel so much older with the constant aches I experience. Everything hurts sometimes. I am physically able to perform with minimal weakness so I know I am blessed, but this stroke has changed my life. I want to do something to tell the world that this can happen to them but I don't know where to start.


I find myself telling my story of having a stroke to anyone who will listen, but I don't think know one really cares. I am not looking for a pity party at all I just want people to know this can happen to them. I wonder if that sounds crazy considering you would never have known I had a stroke before considering I have no physical deficiets :blah_blah:


I know this blog is about nothing important but I have so much in my head that I want to let out. So if anyone ever take the time to read this suggestions on educating others would be great. I work in the medical field and could use a little guidance. I think that would help my recovery and others in seeing that they too could have a stroke and you don't have to look a certain way, be a certain color, or age. Being a nurse would have never prepared me for what happened.


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Hi, I too was in the medical field, but totally unprepared for this, was ging full bore working 10 to 12 hour days, Have husband, 5 acres and 4 grandkids....


I too find myslef talking to people about stroke, not looking for pity, just trying to make people aware... Hey this can happen to anyone. I get aren't you too young for a stroke.. I then tell them NO, can happen at any age..


No at least with movie stars and some important people having strokes it seems to be in the media more.




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Start with those you come across every day, talking about your own experiences. If you can hook up with someone with recognisable physical deficits too so people can see the range of deficits that you can still survive with and live a reasonable life.


Because Ray has had a series of strokes over 15 years our friends also know it is a long term survival situation. NOT he stroked, he died. BUT he stroked and battled back to live a life. People need to know that what you did took courage and a lot of support. As a carer I need our friends to see stroke survival as worthy of support.



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I totally agree with you Bonnie about it seem to be happening to the famous and starting to get media attention. It's like when you buy a new car, you never even have seen that car on the street before and then all to the sudden everywhere you turn you start to see the exact same car time and time again...go figure.


With it being in the media more I feel I need to make those aware that it can happen to them. It isn't just something that happens to celebrities but to everyday people. I feel in my heart this is something I am supposed to do.



sgriffin :forgive_me?:

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Hey Sheila,

Glad to see you blogging. You've got the desire to do a good thing. Maybe something will just appear for you to take on and educate people. Keep your eyes and ears open, you don't want to miss it.


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