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PT Re-evaluation



The Physical Therapy Re-Evaluation has been completed and the therapist has determined that she really can't help me. My tremors and balance have been interfering with progressing my walking further. I understand that she doesn't want to waste my time and money, but some things she said really hurt me.


According to her, my balance and tremors are not consistant with how a stroke affects someone. And then she told my husband that all my symptoms were due to anxiety, because a stroke in the basal ganglia does not cause problems with movement, coordination, and balance. She also told my husband that stroke survivors do not have good days and bad days, so I really need to see a mental health professional, not physical therapy. However, she told me to keep doing my exercises at home and perhaps in 2 weeks I could return to see if I could continue.


I left there in tears. I felt I was making progress in baby steps. But then my feelings, pain, struggles were minimized. I don't know about anyone else's recovery, but I would bet that many, if not all of us, have pain, level of fatigue, and emotions that vary day to day.


Am I over-reacting to the actions and comments of a professional that appears to know much less about stroke effects than I do - contradicting every medical professional that has treated me in the past 5 months?

I guess the main reason I even bother to take the time to question myself is because I HAVE been under alot of stress lately and I do have major depression that is being treated.


Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.


Debbie :forgive_me?:


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That therapist probably got her certification out of a Cracker Jack box. Stroke survivors DO have good days and bad days and everyone on this site knows it. In two weeks instead of going back to her, can you get a re-evalutation for someone new?



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Jean -


Thanks for reassuring me. My husband agrees that we need to find someone more knowledgeable and supportive.


You're the best!



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Debbie, that physical therapist doesn't know what she is talking about. I had my stroke almost four years ago and my balance is still messed up. And as for ups and downs, we all have problems with that. Please don't let what she said bother you and please find another physical therapist if at all possible.

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Find someone with experience, patience and compassion. A person who claims to be a professional and says the things she said ought to go back and retrain as something else.


Of course she probably graduated from the same school as the doctors who say :"No you didn't have a stroke" and then it shows up on the MRI.


Keep working on the exercises and see someone else in two weeks time.


Sue. :friends:

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What a quack PT! I hope you can find someone who understands your feelings and situation. I am sorry this happened to you.

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I agree this Pt is an idiot, I'd never return to her place of employment, my feelings that if they hired this idiot then the whole facility is not worth returning to, I'm sure there are other facilities you could be seen at.keep up with your exercises on your own, I really believe we are our own best advocte.

God bless,


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