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Ruffled Feathers



Seems like every day it's something.


Rolly has been in good spirits the last week. His biggest issue is with the girls (granddaughtersw we live with). They are 6 and 10. The (seemingly) constant noise and confusion bothers him. I try to play the mediator. I understand his issues with "sensory overload" since the stroke. But I also know this is THEIR house we live in, and it seems like I'm always the one trying to smooth out ruffled feathers, explain what the other person meant. etc.


And as I reminded him yesterday, this is the life we chose (after the stroke chose us! (~_~) and we need to find a way to make it work, at least for the next couple of years. It'll be 3 years until he gets social security, and realistically, we can't do anything about living arrangements until then!


And life goes on............................


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At one stage we had three generations here. Mum and Dad moved in because Dad was not coping and Trev was with us for a while. We managed by respecting each others space, but there were times when we were all out of sorts with each other, I guess that is natural. Each generation has their own needs and their own values.


I know Ray has sensory overload sometimes so I allow him to go to bed when the littlies are here and tell them not to disturb Pa when he is resting. Mind you Tori occassionally creeps in and says:"Are you asleep Pa?" and when he opens one eye yells:"Granma, Pa's not asleep."


Maybe Rolly needs a "shed", a space of his own, a man sized space, a private spot. We all need a space which won't be invaded, violated, and specifically not cleaned up by someone else.


Kids need schedules too so you know where they are and can avoid them sometimes. Good luck with negotiating that one!



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