vmoran's Blog

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I had some nerve blogging yesterday about my bad day.


Today my friend Colleen lost her husband.


He had a stroke right before Christmas. He died this morning.


And I don't know what to say to her.


My heart aches with the pain she must be feeling, and words of consolement mean so little.




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Sorry about your friend's husband, but don't ever feel guilty for getting your feelings out about "bad stroke days." We all need to vent now and then.





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That "always someone worse off than me" thought only goes so far. When you are having a bad day you just need to let off steam. Being here gives you permission to have a bad day blog whenever you want.


But sorry to hear of your friend Colleen's husband's death too. Bad things do happen to nice people and we can only stand by as a listener and comforter and give them a hug when we can.


Sue. :friends:

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