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Sleepless Nites...Full of suggestion mothers



Well here I am another morning after a sleepless night. Now I know the routine I will remain awake for fear of napping throughout my day thinking it will cause sleepless nights and the headaches...problem is I don't sleep anyway. It's like a vicious cycle I can't break.


I had a brief conversation with my mother this morning while taking my son to school. I don't know if I am cranky from the sleeplessness, but my God how does one person know EVERYTHING :uhm: ? I was talking with her about my nights where I don't sleep, not asking for "ANY" advice just talking...well of course she started.


First, she says there is the possibility of mold in my home or room because I mentioned my headaches start only when I "LIE" down in my bed at night, not when I'm watching TV or working on the computer but "LIE" down (well i"m sure you get the picture)...anyway I am trying to tell her what is feels like because I do suffer from siniuses but she keeps cutting me off, so in a very irritated tone I say, "My room is clean the windows and window seals are clean so dust, spider webs, black spots indicating mold so on so forth I notice are clean".


Secondly, there is the cat maybe it's her...now I have had Diamond for almost a year not to mention "WE" had cats when I was younger never a problem, but once again in my irritated tone I remind her, then once again with her know it all self she says "Maybe her sleeping in the bed is the problem (like I don't change or shake me sheets) Diamond does shed some but I don't wallow in her pet hair. I try to keep her bushed so there is minimal cat hair...I would freak out if I saw it in the kitchen, so I don't ignore it. Thing is Diamond has free roam of the house (except for the tables) so she is not ONLY in my bed, I hold her throughout my day I feel it's therapeutic "HELL" I even suggested she gets a pet to decrease her depression because she's making me depressed...I hold her on the couch, in the basement wherever I love my kitty. Now she still just hasn't stopped to listen not once, I'm just trying to say, :Furious: "I HAD A SLEEPLESS NIGHT WITH A HEADACHE".


Thirdly, she ask do I vaccum :cleaning: ...MAN-OH-MAN now I am heated :Explode: , granted I don't vaccum everyday beacause I don't have to, we aren't pigs, so yes I clean my floors. I wanted to say I'm a housemother my home is clean, HELL she was here the other day and commented on how clean my house is. I clean everything, I mean I love "get this" love my Swifter Duster and Clorox Clean-up spray, not to mention those are MY chores and the least I could do being home most of MY day is clean. I don't mind cleaning it's therapeutic I think better when I clean...I clean better when I think.


So needless to say, I tell her..."I'm in the house, bye" short and sweet. Well I hope you take the time to read this, I know most of the survivors (including myself) have trouble with concentration and reading, break it up and read a little at a time if you must. It just feels better getting it off my chest, I just want someone to know 'I HAD A SLEEPLESS NIGHT WITH A HEADACHE" :bouncing_off_wall: . I would feel bad if she ever read this because I know how she worries about me since the stroke, but I wish she would just learn to "listen"...I just wanted to say "Hey, i've been up all night with a headache" no elaboration on the subject just part of a conversation, I am an adult I know how to take care of myslef if I need any help I am "learning" how to ask not try to bare the pressures alone.


Well I going downstairs to get Diamond :tongue: get back in the bed and pray for sleep. To all who read this have a good day.







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Shelia (Sheila), Not tryin to be your mom revisited.... However, I too suffer insomnia and headaches (migraines actually most of the time). There are meds than can help.... have u talked to your doc? Just a thought! And I *did* listen lol............ I feel for you I really do. Steph

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Moms can push our buttons sometime, my mom does that to me all the time, and not just mine she has capability to push buttons of single one of us. sometime you just have to ignore and still love her because she is doing all that out of concern for you.


I m sorry about your sleepless might with headache. have you try using prop pillow and sleep, for me sleeping on bed with husband pillow propped on wall works very well, that way I can slep any time of the day




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Sometimes us mothers smother our children with suggestions. In our bid to take the pain away we just make it so much worse. My Mum was full of suggestions like yours. We used to say: "Yes, Mum." smile and walk away.


Now she sits silently at the Dementia Lodge and I sometimes wish somehow I could have all that old chatter back.


Hope you get into a good sleep pattern soon.



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Oh My! It sounds like we share the same mom. Just remember, she means well. I'm sure my kids think I'm a know it all too. No........that can't be............ teenagers think THEY know it all.


Hope your head is better and that you get some good sleep soon.

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Are we sisters and I just didn't know it? Your mother sounds just like mine. I do the same thing as Sue, yes mom....They really do mean well. I have told my daughter to shoot me if I ever do that to her, so far so good. Hope you get some rest, I just got done going through a bout of not being able to sleep which in turn gave me headaches from lack of sleep. The nights can be pretty long when that happens. Feel better.


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Thanks to each and everyone of you...I normally don't say anything but it has been 35 years and I can only take so much. She is only showing her concern for me, moreso since the stroke I really understand. I mean I didn't even have her notified until I was admitted because I know she would worry, I just feel she treats me like I might walk out the house and leave something to burn it down. I lost brain cells from the stroke but not intellect.


I do take sleeping pills just not every night. It's funny how they can screw you up...you take them for sleep then you can't sleep unless you take them. Well tonight I'm taking one and sleep, snore the whole sha-bang :bouncing_off_wall: .


Thanks Shelia (I know my name spelling is screwy, we can thank my mother) :)

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hope you are having a good sleep tonight..

Yes I guess moms think they have to come up with answers or solutions and sometimes it's grasping at straws.


I think I do this with my own daughter.. although I really try to listen and empathaize and nor get bossy, or try to solve her problems for her.

It is a habit thats hard to break.. being a mother is a liftetime jog..lol


My Dr changed my antidepressant, he said it would also help adjust my sleep clock and sleep cycle. It seems to have helped a great deal, I am sleeping much better and not waking up every 2 hours. It's called cymbalta, may be worth asking your dr about..


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