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Update on Mum



It seems Mum has had a stroke, her speech is still not making sense and she is a bit confused. They havent really tried her walking yet. Hopefully she will get a scan today or tomorrow.

At least there are going to admit her.

Last night they wanted to send her home(before any tests) because they didnt have the beds...due to cut backs. My sister told them that was their problem, not hers and she refused to take her home. Dad wanted to take Mum home as well. They asked Mum what she wanted to do, and she nodded to stay.



I am usually full of praise of the National health Service but sometimes you just shake your head in amazement at some of the decisions.


Hubby and sister have persuaded me not to go down just yet. As they put if I went down I would be someone else they would have to worry about. Mum is stable at the moment, sitting up, so not too bad on the scale of things.


I feel like crying I feel so useless. Even at a time when Mum and Dad need me I cant be there to help. I will check with my GP tomorrow whether I can travel. Maybe I can go down after Mum comes out of hospital.


I still fear the worse is this the thin edge of the wedge.......



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I can totally relate to how you feel about not being there for your Mom. I just went through a similar situation with my Mom going through surgery and now chemo and my older sister going through a stem cell transplant for her cancer. I thank God that my other two sisters were able to be there and I got past the guilt feeling. My oldest sister told me to keep them in my prayers and from where I am located, that's about all I could do.


I'm sure your family understands and will keep you posted on your Mom's condition. Between email and phone updates, I was able to keep my sanity in my own situation. Tell them to keep you posted often so you don't sit and worry. Prayers go a long way toward helping your Mom....so keep them up.




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Mary please don't feel useless, sometimes for our own health or whatever reason we can't be there. My dad had a massive heartattack and I couldn't get back to see him before he passed away. I had regrets that I couldn't ...but did come to terms with it.


I truly know how that helpless feeling feels in your heart, but taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do, keep loving thoughts going her way.. she knows and understands.

Hopefully you will get to talk to her soon.


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