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tired to the bone, sleeping like the dead



I never understood what that really meant until today. Yesterday, Ryan had a fight with his girlfriend, an arguement really. So...


15 year old Ryan decided to spend the night at a friends house.


On a school night.


Without telling us.


By 9 o 'clock last night - I was nervous. And Ryan's cell phone was dead.


By 11 - I was furious.


By 1 - I was hysterical.


By 3 - I was on the phone with the police, who said they wouldn't do anything for 24 hours -

(it's called "cool down" time for teenagers, but it's ridiculous - he had a fight with his girlfriend not with me!)


4 o 'clock rolls around and I've called every hospital.


At 5:30, I started calling all his friends.


Finally at 8, someone remembers seeing him leave the skatepark with a guy named Nick.


I keep calling cell phones and other Mom's until someone tells me where Nick's apartment building is.


At 9:30 in the morning - I'm banging on every door of an apartment complex looking for a guy named



I found Ryan at 10:30 this morning. Sleeping on Nick's couch.


He's home. He's safe. He's sleeping. And he's in more trouble than you can imagine!


And I know what it's like not to sleep in 24 hours.


For someone who falls asleep at 8:30 (since the stroke, 10:00 pm is a HUGE accomplishment) - I can't sleep now, even after being up since 6:15 am yesterday.


I don't know if it's the 6 pots of coffee, or just the overwhelming events of the day.


I'm tired to the bone, and I know when sleep eventually finds me, I'll sleep like the dead.


But, what a rotten way to learn what an old cliche means....


:Goodnight: ~V






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Hi V

Our son put us through that once. I have never been more emotionally sick except when Rod had his stroke. Kids, gotta love them. Then they grow up have there own and have the same thing happen to them, it's called pay back. I'm glad everything turned out OK. You will sleep once your nerves are no longer in over drive.


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I don't know how all you mothers get through this kind of stuff, but you seem to do it without killing the kids when you find them safe. Even my brother did it back in the late '50s to our mom and as Lynn said, he got his payback when his son got to be a teen.


Hugs to you :friends:



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When I first started reading your blog I had to make sure it wasn't mine. See, my sons name is Ryan and he is also 15 and sometimes argue with his girlfriend...difference...I would have KILLED him when I found him, and threated to revive him just to KILL him again :D . Some people say I am to strict on him but I don't care it's my house and my rules. Good luck :Good-Luck: with your teen.


The threat of taking his cell phone away makes my son a model citizen...at least for a little while :big_grin: .


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I had to post here to you ladies, as a Mom of a Ryan, too. It has to be something w/ the name. Mine put us thru hell and back thru his teens and 5 years in the USMC (overseas the whole time) Pushed me thru empty nest syndrome and menopause at the same time. It was awful.

Fast forward to today. He's 32, married w/ 4 children under 5 years old, a practicing Mormon (no drinking) has a wonderful job w/ the FBI and just buying a $550,000 home. (His 4th house)

Patience, ladies, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a freight train :-)

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hey Vicky and all moms:


this is what I have to look forward to when my kido grows up :D I love kids this reminds me of my brothers and my younger days




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Oh Vicki brings make memories.. teenage daughter. I came home froma concert in Vancouver Canda.. no daughter sleeping in her bed

2:00 am. I knew where the boyfriend (I was not crazy about ) lived We went over there and I pounded on the door.. He came to the door and said shes sleeping in the family room. I in a very loud MOM voice I want her onthis door step in 2 minutes.. He said SHH H you'll wake my parents....by this time I was LIVID and I said In an EVEN LOUDER mom voice I DONT GIVE A F**$ who I wake I want her her NOW.


Yes she was in big trouble and GROUNDED with very few privalages....she never did that again...


I do NOT miss the teen years..


She is in a happy relationship and i have a beautiful almost 13 yr grandson.



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I too have 15yr old..... teenagers and homones :nuhuh:


I was worried tonight because he was late home from school. He had a football (soccer) match and he forget to tell me. :Rage:


He said he did but I cant remember..I usually write these things down. He was only two hours late.

I really dont know how I would have coped with an all nighter. I hope Ryan is suitabley mortified.


You should be resting, not being up all night.




I know there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it is pretty dark at the moment :Help:




Oh and he is not called Ryan :giggle:

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