My usually "RANTING" about nothing...ENJOY
I started blogging a few times and still came up with this...Nothing. Everything I want to say I am scared to say for the fear of offending someone who doesn't even know this site exsist. There is a lot that I have learned about my family(not just my mother) that I don't like. I am not proclaiming to be prefect in no way, shape, or form but it is what it is. I want to open their eyes to the world and allow them to see that there is more to life than the rut they have been stuck in generation after generation.
All our family gatherings play out the same with the same people and conversations. We have nothing new to talk about and I can see this cycle never ending. Since my close call with death or life with disabilities I have a new prespective and I want to live life and experience new things. I have a weekender planned for the spring break with my son and something in the summer. Each was "AGAINST" the advice of someone in my family.
I can see the that recovery from the stroke has cycles that keeps repeating itself. I have somehow regressed to anger which I have been trying so hard to reach acceptance. Learning the phases and dissecting each and every one of them I have learned a lot about me. I'll end here because I can go on and on about nothing. :yadayada:
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