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Go Go Go Joseph....



J and I went to see "Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" on Thursday night. We went with the whole gang from his old company - his ex-boss gave us the tickets for Christmas.


"Joseph" was Patrick Cassidy - brother of the Partridge Family's David Cassidy - - - when I was a kid, David Cassidy was IT! - THE Man! - A Dreamboat! - the guy we bought teen magazines for! :wub2: ----


Trust me girls, as hot as David was - - way back then.... His Brother is hotter now!!!!! - LOL


Let me splash a little water on my face, and I'll get back to the story - :snorkel:


Ok, so the tickets cost Cindy (J's ex-boss) $150.00 each - which was very, very nice of her!! But, the seats were in the nosebleed section of our Overature Center .... 8 floors up from the actual stage - three rows back from falling off the edge of the highest balcony in the place. -


I have BIG balance issues since the stroke (and a fear of heights that been with me forever) - - I don't know if it was Patrick Cassidy in a loin cloth, or the idea that I wasn't going to be able to make it back down 3 flights of "hand rail less" stairs that had my heart racing through the entire performance!! :blush:


(You guys gotta see this show - - - or at least see Patrick Cassidy 1/2 naked --- LOL it's worth the $150.00 a ticket!)


J was a prince through out the entire evening - I don't know how he did it but, during intermission he found a way to get me though a very crowed aisle of people- down three flights of stairs - and to the ladies room without me falling, or stepping on anyone!


Anyway, I made it through the evening! I even stayed up past 12 o'clock! We went out after the show for a drink with Cindy and all the rest - of course, by this time at night I can't speak in full sentences anyway, so I fit right in at the bar! :whine: LOL!


I don't know if I could do it again anytime soon because, I was exhausted all day Friday! But, it was worth it!

And, don't tell my husband --- but, that Patrick Cassidy..... :blush-anim-cl:

Let's just leave it at "GO Go Go Joseph!"




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I am glad you had great time at the show. I used to have problem walking in the crowd, now I think I do okay



mn you are horney LOL




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