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Kj mcmeekin


Today was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what was wrong with me. I have never felt this way since Chris came home. He was such a handful today.


It all started at breakfast. Lately he seems to be doing less and less himself. He picked up his napkin to wipe his mouth. The napkin stuck to his mouth and instead of pulling it off - he calls me into his room and asks me to pull it off his mouth!!!!! I asked him why he didn't try to take the napkin off his mouth and he didn't answer me.


The past few days all he does all day long is talk. TALK, TALK, TALK. I'll bet something is out of whack with his Bipolar medication. He obsesses about everything lately.


This afternoon I was ready to get him a muzzle. DEMANDING - is not the word for it. Every couple minutes - can you get me this or that. He is not capable of getting what he needs but "cut me a break" nobody needs what he wanted all day.


Dinner was the pits!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All he did was push his food off his plate. Several times I reminded he that he needed to stab his food with his fork. He was constantly asking for more helpings - Chris now has a field cut in his vision and has worked with the OT as to how to scan things to be able to see them. Did he forget tonight or just didn't want to do it?


If course it is baseball season - tonights game - I barely heard a word of it. I'm not sure what planet Chris was on.


All day he has not tried at all to keep himself straight in his chair. Finally tonight after the 50th time straightening him up - I kinda lost my temper. I asked him if he doesn't feel when the right side of his body is hanging over the side of the chair. He said he does. Then why doesn't he push himself up?


Finally at 10pm I had had enough. I told him that it was time to go to bed. I am exhausted. I not sure if today I am just being too picky or is this a sign of "burn out." I really wish I could just go away for a day -


It now 12:30am - and I better get off this computer and get some sleep - 6:30am comes fast and another day will begin. Hopefully it will be a better day.



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I do think there is a place where you need to say enough is enough. Early in Ray's recovery I told Ray his mother didn't live here anymore. He would have to use his savings and hire a nurse if he wanted someone to run around after him all day. I then walked down the road and sat in the bus shelter for an hour. Cold, wet and miserable nights are not really the right time to run away from home.


By the time I get back inside he was kind of apologetic. He has never been as demanding since. I think husbands, like toddlers, try you to see how much sh** you will put up with sometimes.


I think bipolar seems the behaviour pattern so maybe consult his doctor about his meds?


Sue. :friends:

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I had a "deal" with Rob in those first few weeks. He had to first try to do the task himself before he asked me. It was my "deal" not his. This was of course within reason and never intended to compromise his safety.


Maybe trying what Sue did will help, do you have a bus stop close by to go sit at? My icons don't work.... so I have to give you a written hug.......




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I'm sorry you had a bad day, but I totally understand how you feel. Some days you can't help but wonder just how their brain is working or how much they really understand. Gary has days where he also is very demanding. If I don't have a handkerchief or wash cloth handy for him when he's sitting on the sofa, he sits and pounds his fist and motions to wipe his mouth until I get one for him. I tell him over and over again that he needs to practice swallowing so he won't drool and then he won't need the cloth. It just doesn't compute!! The same goes with wiping his mouth with a napkin - he either waits for me to hold up the napkin or he leaves the napkin lay on the table and puts his mouth down on it instead of picking it up. I have days where I want to give up, like I'd get a better response from talking to a brick wall, but I do it over and over and over again and hope that one of these days something will "click" in there and he'll remember on his own.





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You guys made me laugh--it was funny to hear you going through the same stuff we go through here. :Tantrum: I don't know why it was funny--maybe because it's reassuring. It can't be J just trying to drive me around the bend and up the wall after all.



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Oh my Goodness - another who's bi-polar husband has suffered strokes. Just when I thought I was the only one, darn it all anyway - I'm not as special as I thought.


Now I don't want to be sexist, and I don't want to bash husbands but Bill was never really good about doing anything around the house the way I wanted it done anyway. Now I get to do things (EVERYTHING mind you) the way I want it done - be careful what you wish for, I guess!


This man who always wore starched shirts - and even his jeans are starched still wants to look just so - but just can't feed himself neatly anymore - it reminds me of when my kids were little. I have a choice though - I could feed him (his preference) and there would be no mess - or I could set him up to feed himself (my choice) and clean up the mess afterward. He doesn't talk constantly - but he never did that before - he just planned and connived!!


We recently found a Vietnamese restaurant that he just LOVES. I can't prepare anything he likes and he doesn't want to eat anyplace but the Vietnamese restaurant. He even made reservations there for Mother's Day - isn't that sweet? I hate the food. Sorry, but I do. I drink iced tea. So, yesterday I told him NO Vietnamese for Mother's Day. We also went through a bout with Italian food. I think it's a little of the bi-polar thing - mania......obsessing on a single thing.


I don't know Kim what is going on with your husband....but I see so much of Bill in it that I do wonder if it's some of the bi-polar issue. Do you see his psychiatrist on a consistent basis? One funny thing with Bill is that he "can't remember" how he acts when we get to the psychiatrist's office , or any other time for that matter. I wonder why can he remember that d*** restaurant then????? Oh well - thanks for the blog. I'm really not all that special after all - and it isn't all about me either!







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