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It's a good life!!



Well they still have not brought the trapped miners up from their trapped cage but they are close & everybody is praying that they will succeed without another catasrophe, what courage those men must have to be trapped miles from their families & not knowing whether they will ever see them again!!!

We have been at the markets at the weekend trying to get a bit of extra money sometimes I wonder if it is worth getting up at 4.30 in the morning, driving (& dodging Kangaroos) in the dark for little money, but the interaction that Baz gets from seeing & talking to different people must be worth it!!

We had another talk today about his stroke & he thinlks that it is not worth it sometimes to be here but I remind him that we have always been in for the long haul & if things were different & I had had "The Stroke " he would have been doing all the things that I am doing (& probably better), he agreed that he would have. but still is not convinced that we have a good life compared to a lot of people & I am talking about people who have not had a stroke.

It is hard to understand why things happen but the old saying , "There is always someone worse off" says it all!!

Hope you all have a good week , Anne.


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After reading your entry and Sue's reply I was reminded once again how stroke recovery is so much perspective and positive attitude in order to keep on living a life for both survivors and caregivers. Thanks for the reminder that life isn't so bad with what we have on this side of the fence.


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