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I feel lost



At times I feel LOST and confused. I am feeling that way now. I was doing pretty good for the last 3 weeks and a small thing just set my mood downhill.

You know I thought I was making progress with turning the page with the divorce, but I still feel like hell about it. I hate the way my ex-husband treated me. He took NO ACCOUNTABILITY for anything and I have felt that I have been shouldering the "blame". The worst part for me is that he asked my sister if she knew anyone that could be compatible w/him where she worked and my sister obliged without asking me. :( That's kindof difficult to not notice. I've put it behind me BUT it resurfaced a couple weeks ago when I had an overwhelming urge to write a letter to my ex so just to explain how I feel and try to make peace. My sister (who did not know the content of the letter) offered to call him up to read it to him. As she she began to read it, he stopped her and said that he was not interested in revisting the past.

And that was the end of that. Since then there is a wall between she and me...we've had no communication since 3 weeks.



I'm tired. He got away with a clean slate! Now how did he do that :Tantrum:


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He didn't get away with anything. Just because he doesn't take responsibility for his part in the break up of the marriage doesn't mean that your feelings are invalid. You have your truth and he has his and your sister was insensitive to set him up with someone else. Hope you feel better tomorrow.



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No I am sure he didn't get away with anything, and his "true" colors will show in another relarionship..


I agree with Jean I think your sister was insensitive (using kind words here) to set him up with someone.


Hopefully things will blow over with your sister, but it may take a little time. Be honest and up front and tell her, you hurt my feelings, why did you do this.


Hopefully you will be feeling better about this, you know the truth of the situation as I am sure your true friends do.

Go over the reasons that are good.. that this is behind you.


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My X sounds just like yours. I know my X is a jerk in the respect that he couldn't stand by me after I stroked. It was all about him. Well it has been a year this month since I left and got my own place.

I can say that I have let most of the anger go. I know I am doing much better now without him, I've met someone wonderful and we are happy and I know this one won't run scared if something happens to my health.

I know you're angry and hurt righht now and you have every reason to be feeling that way. But also take on board that you are better without a jerk for a husband. You can overcome this this hurdle in the road, it is far smaller than surviving a stroke.

As to your sister, sounds like she sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. You may be better off without her in your life too.


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Thanks for your comments, I just felt like adding this just for my own relief..."he married that woman" and as for my sister years ago I told her about my hurt feelings and she never did acknowledge that. It's curious that so many years have passed since then and this incident has come back to haunt her it seems?!

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Vanilla moon, life has a way of holding surprises back until we are ready for them so there may be a beaut man somewhere in your future who will come by just when you are ready for him. I agree with Pam, some men are just worth letting go, and with Bonnie, if he didn't learn from his old mistakes he's going to repeat them. :oops:


Go back to your meditation and self-care and have a happy day. :friends:





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I think you need to let go off past and him, and one more thing my hubby had mentioned to me once, no one can make you happy or sad, take charge of your life, it's nody's fault why things turn out the way they did, just trust that w/e happened, it happened for best, by letting still hang on to past you are not moving on, and embrace ur new life which could bring so many new stuff. Also someone said to me b4, u can crib about everything in life, our situation in life 10% is the situation 90% how we react to it, so just chill & b grateful for all postives in life


sorry don't want to be preachy, but by hanging on to past u r never allowing ur wound to heal, u r pretty woman, will find Mr. right if u give chance one more time



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