I feel lost
At times I feel LOST and confused. I am feeling that way now. I was doing pretty good for the last 3 weeks and a small thing just set my mood downhill.
You know I thought I was making progress with turning the page with the divorce, but I still feel like hell about it. I hate the way my ex-husband treated me. He took NO ACCOUNTABILITY for anything and I have felt that I have been shouldering the "blame". The worst part for me is that he asked my sister if she knew anyone that could be compatible w/him where she worked and my sister obliged without asking me. That's kindof difficult to not notice. I've put it behind me BUT it resurfaced a couple weeks ago when I had an overwhelming urge to write a letter to my ex so just to explain how I feel and try to make peace. My sister (who did not know the content of the letter) offered to call him up to read it to him. As she she began to read it, he stopped her and said that he was not interested in revisting the past.
And that was the end of that. Since then there is a wall between she and me...we've had no communication since 3 weeks.
I'm tired. He got away with a clean slate! Now how did he do that :Tantrum:
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