That was rough
I went to the hospital to see my friend. I prayed for strength all night and again on the way to the hospital. I printed off the "Survivor's Bill of Rights" and "A Letter from your Brain" and took them with me. Her mom was there and I told them both that it may be a benefit to read them, when they could.
I decided that maybe I could be an inspiration to her if she saw how far I had come on the road to recovery. I told her most importantly she is a survivor and she is alive and that as rough as it is right now, it will get better she just needs time. Rest when she needs to, cry when she needs to. It's ok, it's our right as survivors.
From what I could tell she started having the effects of the stroke last Tuesday while she was at the courthouse (for her divorce I guess), but she didn't go to the hospital until Saturday. Her mom said they are going to thin her blood but that she didn't have a blod clot. Her speech is really bad so I expected her to be in a lot worse condiditon. She is able to move all of her limbs, but can't stand or walk on her own yet because of the weakness. Her face is numb, she has double vision in her right eye and can't swallow very well. They were getting ready to hook up an IV when I left and the doctor discussed some PT with her and her mom.
I told her I'd come back by in a couple of days.
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