I felt like blogging this morning. The only topic I could think of to write about is the notice I received from my bank regarding my checking account. It seems the accounting method I adopted for the last year of making a deposit and writing checks and keeping a running tally in my head doesn't really work too well when one has lost the ability for simple addition and subtraction. Duh! What was I thinking???? So needless to say my checkbook is a mess..
Not that my checkbook was ever in great shape before the stroke. But organization is not my strong suit anymore.. I know this, I've identified the problem and am now currently focusing on it, trying to get myself in better financial habits. But I hate getting insufficient fund notices. Plus I get charged $30 bucks each time.
Not only is my checkbook a mess, but I have a bad habit of putting all the bills in little piles all over the apartment and something gets put on top of them and before they are found a few months has gone by. It seems that all my invisable deficits are surfacing at once. All my bad habits from the stroke are all catching up with me. But I have faith I'll get it all worked out and taken care of.
My attempts to take care of this must be working as the calls are dropping off from the creditors.
So I guess I wrote about this embarrassing position I find myself in because as a survivor that has gained quite a bit back, I still have to focus and work hard on recovery, even after 4 years.
Here's to money in the bank and a balanced checkbook,
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