Life Still Going On!!!
:cheer: Well we are still here, just haven't had a chance to get on the site ( I miss it dreadfully) love to read all about what is going on in everybody's lives & all the new posts posted!!
Have had a great time catching up the past hour, we have had major car problems (in fact the car has died), we were really lucky as we were coming back from a market 100 kilometres away, I looked in the rear mirror as we were about to go up a steep hill & there were clouds of smoke coming out the back of the car, I decided (typical Libra) to keep driving & hope it would go away**** It didn't ,in fact it got worse so thought I should mention it to Baz (who was in complete oblivion in the passenger seat) he looked in the mirror & said ****We decided we would keep driving as the car was still not missing a beat, when we got to the next country town before ours (where you are lucky if you see a dog wandering down the street) there were crowds of people going into the local hall for a function, I quickly scanned the cars outside there & didn't see any I knew. told Baz to look straight ahead & went through, I looked in the mirror & saw a lot of horrified faces before smoke completely engulfed them!!! We got home alright , thank goodness there was not another car behind us the whole way & the local cop must have been asleep...Anyway the Head Gasket has gone & my mechanic has said it is not worth fixing ...Have found another car on the internet from big car Auction place in Sydney. Have to get it trucked down here (500 kilometres) They are still trying to work out the best way to get it here & I have brought it sight unseen which is always a worry!1
Well that is our week, hope you have all had a better one.( fingers crossed for a good car)
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