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Monday BAD Monday



Got to work a few minutes late this morning, because I had to drop my daughter off at my mom's house and mom LOVES to talk! :yadayada: :yadayada: Anyway, when I got here there was a message on my phone from my husband and it just said "gimme a call". So I did. Some small talk at first then......."I got fired". :Tantrum: Now, knowing my husband, I immediately thought he was pulling my leg. But there was something in the sound of his voice that told me different. :(


Why? That's a mystery to us. They said it was because of a customer complaint. But the customer they mentioned was one that seemed very pleased with the work hubby had done for him. I don't know :uhm: , I'm trying not to obsess over it. Let's get a new job and move on. But the OMG how am I going to pay for this or do that's are eeking up on me.


I've been online all day helping him apply for unemployement and apply for jobs. He's really computer illiterate! The job sites for Texas suck! You find a job that matches you and there's no way to apply for it. Ahhhhh!! :throw:



Man, that's just what we need! I sure hope the old saying where one door closes another opens is really true.


Pray for open doors!




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Thanks Trina! I'll be sure to check it out. His resume was already on Monster, but I went out and updated it for him last night.


He was trying to apply for some of the jobs that Toyota and their suppliers have open but, I guess unless your a 100% match to their profile checks then you don't get the "apply now" option.

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What a rotten day, Lisa.


It can only get better from here, right? (just nod happily and ignore all of the millions of things that you are thinking right now that could go wrong - power to positivity!!) :big_grin:

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