Cruella DeVille
Let me introduce myself. I'm Cruella DeVille, HostPam's evil twin. I find she hogs the body all the time and when I get my turn, it is only for a short time and I've got to make the best of the time alloted to me.
She is considering letting me loose more often. Which suits me just fine, I think Pam doesn't realize the value to playing it up as a stroke survivor, she needs to play to the crowd that tells her"You look great, why aren't you back to work yet"? I can't wait to gleefully tell them, cause I'm lazy and don't have to be responsible for anything anymore. I have deficits, deal with them. You can do my grocery shopping and pay my bills too while you're at it. I can really truely become selfish and enjoy it cause it is tiresome to be striving and working so hard on a daily basis, to be told, why aren't you working? Theres nothing wrong with you!
The X sent the seperation papers- I had told him he had one chance to be fair, not to P*** me off with his demands, that I could change my offer of what I wanted or would agree to, cause we had agreed it was all about the kids, they didn't need to be dragged threw the courts or made to choose. So I had backed off, I had moved out of the house and the day I moved out, the next door neighbor moved in, literally. They just moved out of the house a month ago, it is now for sale. When the X found me this apartment he was full of promises to help me pay for it, well that wwas a lie as he would've promised anything so he could move forward with the neighbor. So that is water under the bridge, it happened a year ago. I stayed here in this apartment as it was right around the corner from the house. Big mistake as it is a small towen and her moving into my house the night I moved out caused a major scandal in town. I was deeply hurt and offended by what they did. But I worked on letting it go, not becoming bitter and twisted over it. I thought of the kids..... I've struggled financially for the last 12 months, I've done without just to exist and keep my head above water. So fast forward to the seperation papers that have been coming to my lawyer since February.....
The body of which was nothing more then a wish list for a selfish Narcisist, who still claims"We've done nothing wrong"!!! I make $1400.00 monthly on disability, my rent is 975.00, internet is 50.00, cable phone add another 150.00 and don't forget groceries and gas and paying to get rid of the garbage and I'm in the red every month. Plus both kids get 192.00 a month from SS cause I'm disabled and he wants 650.00 more a month in child support! Over half of what I get. He wants both trucks, he wants my share of the mortgageI should have been paying for the last year. Yeah right like I could afford to pay it and I refused to support her. So to tie me up I've been going to move south where the cost of living is much cheaper, well I have liberal visitation rights but I can only see the kids in this town, in NY state. So off come the kid gloves, Cruella has come to town, Cruella feeds on inequality and selfishness. Cruella feels that Pam has handled this all wrong, she shouldn't have attempted to be independent and strong and denied that she was disabled. Cruella screeches at Pam...."What were you thinking"?????? Cruella's theme song is "We're not gonna take it anymore!" Cruella is the Grand Marshal of the parade of tackling tough subjects and is putting an end to the meek acceptance of milk toast topics, she refuses to whitewash anything, she refuses to conform and Cruella is mortified over the passage of free thinking intellectuals that aren't scared to stand up and take a unpopular view to the masses that just stick to the status Quo. She misses her contemporaries. It is apparent that the time is fast approaching to find something else. Cruella feels that much is one sided anymore and there isn't anything to be gotten here any longer, especially free thinking.
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