Coping.........or not.......
Ok I've given you the background of Trev's stroke & brought you up to date with what's happened/happening now.
I will try & explain how I've coped, or tried to cope with all that's happened. This will be difficult because I don't want to sound as if I'm always moaning about my lot etc. I just need to rant a little sometimes.
I think I was numb for the first few days felt things were happening that I had no control over. We were fortunate Trev was chosen to be placed on a drug trial that only certain centres in England were involved in & he was given a clot busting drug within 6hrs of his stroke. This was a harrowing experience as I had to give permission, 1% of the trial patients get worse & die BUT he could have also recovered quicker no one knows how a person will react. I had all this to cope with at the same time as seeing my loved one so ill.
I tried to always keep cheerful & Trev coped very well, using his sense of humour to carry him through. During the first week I also attended my graduation ceromony as I'd completed my Social Work degree that July. It saddend me to atttend without Trev cheering me on. But as usual I coped without showing my real feelings.
His progress seemed so slow that at times I "lost my cool" with the therapists, even Trev himself came under fire.....I am such a selfish person at times...why can't be brave & caring & accepting......
Enough for now will continue again soon.
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