Guardian Angel animals Anyone have one???????
I have a cat named Cat. Hey don't laugh I didn't pick out her name. She acts more like a dog than a cat. When she need more food or should I say fresh food she will let me know. She is very picky. If the dry food sts for more than a few hours in her dish she wants "new" food put in and then she will eat it. Some how she knows where to stop because the "older" food is always left behind. :uhm: When she wants to go outside she will sit at the door and meow and if you aren't paying attention she will seek you out and make sure you know. I call her my GAC (guardian angel cat) She watches over me more than I have ever seen an animal do. At night when I go to sleep she will jump up on the bed and look at me almost like she is making sure I am ok. After I tell her I am fine she lays down with her head on my arm and goes to sleep. There have been several mornings when I have over slept (because I forgot to set the alarm) that she has jumped up on the bed and mewed until I woke up. What is really weird about this is that it is within 10 minutes of when I should have gotten up. I watch my neighbors foster child for an hour in the morning before he and my son go to school or lately I have taken them to the summer program just so they have something to do. I think it is really strange that Cat knows when it is time for me to get up. When I first came home from the hospital after my stroke she never left my side. As I got stronger and was able to take a shower on my own she would sit in the bathroom and wait until I was done then would follow me into the bedroom while I got dressed. Whatever room I am in she is there. I have come to firmly believe she is a reincarnated family member. I know there have been several time when a family pet has saved the life of someone who cares for them so I don't think this is too far off base. I also have 3 dogs and one of them watches over me when I go outside. If one of the other dogs jump up to get my attention she will jump on them and with her front paws pull them down off of me. It is almost like she knows I have balance issues and doesn't want me to fall.
I guess what I am trying to get to with all this rambling is........ Do any of you have a pet or know of a pet that acts this way?? I don't think I am the only one out there and I would like to hear of your experiences with your animals.
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