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BN University - Chronically disorganized



Bill and I decided we need to get organized somehow. My methods don't work and we were bored so we decided to explore courses online. We signed up at Barnes and Noble University for a course on organizing from the inside out. I'll copy and past the course outline and objectives, it may help other survivors too. What grabbed my attention was that this was for the chronically disorganized and I'm still a Fly baby on Fly I need help...... I'll keep ya'll posted. (AJ, this may be what you need....)




Organizing from the Inside Out




Title: Organizing from the Inside Out

Course Type: Online Instructor-led Course

Estimated Completion Time: 16 hour(s)

Session Length: 4 week(s)


Take this course for FREE






Upcoming Sessions

August 7, 2006 - OPEN




None. Just keep in mind what Robert Fulghum said: "All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten."




You have everything to gain by getting organized. You know the benefits -- reduce stress, improve your image and relationships, save time, energy, and money. The problem is that you've tried to get organized before, and now you're back for more. So, why is it different this time? Because it's a whole new ball game with new rules. Rather than diving into the action first, we'll call a time-out to find out what roadblocks are standing in your way. You'll learn two simple formulas for getting organized. You'll plan ahead for what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done. You'll create your own action plan to have fun and win at organizing. Then, you'll attack, take charge, and succeed at organizing your life.




Take a radically different view of organizing

Understand what keeps you from getting and staying organized

Learn the two basic organizing formulas

Create a unique action plan for yourself

Attack your paper, space, and time troubles

Know that you can succeed like never before



Course Materials

Organizing from the inside Out: The Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Your Office and Your

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i not only registered myself for this course, i registered John for it as well under his username and password since we have separate computers (for now, since his computer is fixed.) i also registered myself for a course on tarot, judiasm, and buddhism. it's too bad that they don't have any courses on wicca or paganism, but i'm sure that they will offer them soon.





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