Here we go...why oh why?
Why oh Why? I don't know why I was gone for so long from this site. Actually I would check things every so often but would only log in occasionally. I've asked myself that question so many times I decided to give up because I don't know the answer.
I read in some blogs about people being narcissistic (sp). I don't think that's me. Maybe I needed some time away? Like I said I don't know. I think some people were mad at me about it, but I guess sometimes we do what we need to in order to live our lives.
I think I would have died without this site, at least on the inside. I remember the first time I found it, it was about 11:30 at night. I was a mess, couldn't stop crying because of what happened to my husband and Jean responded to my post within about 30 minutes if that. I was able to sleep after that because of her response and knowing there were other people in my shoes.
Anyway, not being narcissistic or anything but I just had to get it out and I'm sorry as this was my lifeline for so long. I love you all and am still so glad this site is here for us.
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