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Lost the Baby :(



I lost the baby on 2/22. I had what is known as a tubal pregnancy. They could not see the baby but knew something was wrong. I went in to the hospital on the 21st with the worst pain I have ever had. After doing a vaginal u/s for 2 hrs. and finding nothing; My OBGYN decided she could wait no longer and opted for exploritory sugery to find out what was wrong.


When she got in she found that the baby had implanted in the very edge of my right tube where it connected to the utterus. The tube had rupptured causing major internal bleeding and blood clots. She took out my right tube and part of my uterus. The bleeding was so bad that I had to have 4 pints of blood in the form of a transfusion. She said if she had waited 10 min. longer that she would have lost me. She went back in 3 times the second because I was still bleeding where they had missed a blood clot and the 3rd to make sure she had not missed anything else. The surgery took a total of 4 hours.


It's hard to think that I came that close to death once again. I thank God for haveing me in his loving arms yet again. I greive terribly for the loss of my baby but know that God knows better than I and that His will is better than that of my own.


She told me and my hubby that she felt I had been through enough and would not tie my tubes. She demanded that my hubby get a vasectomy stating that if I get pg again it could cause my utterus to ruppter killing me and the baby instantly.


I have yet to talk to my hubby about him getting fixed. I hope he will, but have my doubts. If he won't then I'll have to find someone who will be willing to tie my tubes (or at least the one that I have left). I most defenantly DO NOT want to ever go through something like that again.


I have concluded that it is not Gods will for me to give birth to any more children and can only hope that addotion will not be out someday as well. For now I am concentrating on getting well and losing weight.


My doc has me on strict bed rest and no heave lifting for now. So I won't be on the pc much for a while.


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i am SO sorry to hear about your baby. i have had four painful miscarriages in my time, but never a tubal. i can ONLY imagine that it must have hurt as bad or WORSE, and THAT'S a pain you don't forget!!! i know you were excited about the baby, and it makes me sad that you have had to go through this.


if you've never miscarried, get ready to expect hormonal ups and downs., along with the emotional pain from your loss. i will be thinking about you EVERY day. i will be praying for you too. nothing i can think of to say will make you feel any better. i am so thankful that your life was spared



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I too am sorry to hear you lost the baby. What is worse is that there isn't a damn thing I can say that is comforting. I myself had 4 miscarriages, I know how you feel.

Hugs Tania,


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Hi, Tania, God bless you. I lost three babies to miscarriage but no tubals. My daughter had a miscarriage and a tubal. She said the worst part is that no one sympathizes with you as if you had not really lost a child. Grieve for your baby and know that we all are praying for you. We have friends who have adopted three siblings twice - they have raised basically three families - their natural born and two that they adopted. They have really enjoyed ALL of their children. Go ahead and check that out for adding to your family later on. Loving you virtually.

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Sorry to hear about that, Tania. I know you and your husband were excited about it. I think most things happen for a good reason. We are both Christians so hopefully you know what I mean. You guys definitely don't know why God let this happen but it was His plan and sometime in the future your family will reap the benefits. You are one of the sweetest people I know and I know you aren't just a sweetheart to me so my guess is that everyone must be feeling for you right about now!

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