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Here a Seizure There a Seizure....



This has been an up and down few days. For some reason my seizures are back. It seems though like I can tell when they are going to come on, even before I feel the affects. Is that weird? It is almost psychic. I


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If anyone could use biofeedback to stop a seizure from coming back, you could. You are very methodical about how you approach getting stronger and healthier. By the way, I too, hear nothing but good things said about biofeedback.



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:2cents: ok i'm for self-experimentation when there's not the chance it can hurt you.


I had always heard to be aware of seizures being brought on by the game-boy like things.


Could these have possibly increased seizure activity for you with that brain age thing from Nintendo--to much flashing??? Try to think back to when this started and what you're doing different out of your daily activities???? I'd try laying off the gamey kind of stuff and look into whether that's ever been found to be a source. Laying off can't hurt you and you can do it as a kind of analysis to see. I also agree with Jean with you and the biofeedback...Let us know what you find....good luck.....I was scared for a year after my stroke that I'd seaizure. Illinois has the law they don't do drivers licenses for someone who's had a seizure after a stroke....I had the same kind of knowing when I was going to faint after my stroke---dehydration is really a tricky thing after stroke also. Good luck and hope its the end of them....jan

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AI, too have seizures [last one 1987], and what you are experiencing is an aura, a smell sensation of one to come -

First, follow your doctor's orders and get to a safe place, like a bed, if you know one is coming - We must always think of your safety first -


June :cheer:

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