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and a good night to all ......



Today, other than the heat, was a really good day for me. My right hand for the first time closed and opened on command, definite advancement. I went for a walk this evening, my girl Sally (shes a black lab) stayed pretty much right by my side, chased a little rabbit across the road into the woods, and I managed to make it all the way out of the driveway down the first piece of our road. I am trying to get back into the mainstream of life, but still not really ready for alot of people around me. I get stressed with alot of noise, am scared of getting into heavy fast traffic, and even though I no longer drive, I am scared with even my family at the wheel. I am going to get over this - I know - it's just a matter of time to get my brain in line.The one thing I can say though, for all the past years there are probably alot of people in my community that have said "I always knew she had a problem with alchohol," - you see, I have always had a good sense of humour and liked laughing at life, and there were many that thought I was just plain nuts. After I had this stroke, I have lost my speech, (lucky for many), and my words come out really slurred - sounds like I have been drinking a whole bunch - so for those who know me, love me, and know that I don't drink - we finally have pulled a good one! I know there are quite a few of you out there that have shown your love and support - thank-you - for you I will get back to my old self - I owe you that much - thanks for being there!

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Hi Kelli


I'm so glad you joined our blog community. We get a lot of soul searching done back here plus have some fun and give and get some interesting comments from time to time.


Celebrate that hand opening and closing on command. That's a biggie post-stroke moment!!!



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