Coming around
I was just reading in someone's blog about their husband's aphasia and apraxia. My husband just has aphasia. I was remembering about a year or so (I think) when he could hardly say sentences and used funky words, (well you all know).
One time when the girls that worked for me came in and I was still in bed, he opened the door and said "Mommy, the babies are here". LOL!! I don't know what made me think of it but it cracks me up and of course the poor girls tried as hard as they could not to burst out laughing. It was one of those funny moments that sorta distracts us from the grind.
Anyway, he's come so far since then. Some days he can say full sentences and be understood as if anyone said them. And the thing that still blows me away is in the beginning and all through this....3 and a half years later. It's still the same process of recovery 2 steps forward and one step back. And I think not only for him but maybe for me too.
Whoa..........What A Ride.
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