veggie.vampire's Blog

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Three cheers!



At risk of upsetting someone I know it's been said before but how come those with least cause moan and it's up to those WITH cause to consol them. Sorry had a bad afternoon and seen another of those posts. They have it hard sure but have they any idea how some must live? For example my bad day was caused by being toiletted early then expected to hold on 4 hours. There is no possibility of going without carers so I must somehow wait. Now THAT is undignified. However have picked myself up as it is only temporary for me, for some poor people it never changes. I'm seeing all the positives and feel grateful now. If anyone out there feels down read a book or watch a movie that makes you laugh outloud. I challenge you to stay in a glum mood.

Life in a wheelchair is full of not reaching things, dropping things etc. Helping is limited to what I can reach. Thank goodness for pc, books and cross stich. I've developed ways of putting on lights. You'd be amazed, with just 1 useable arm I moved a table and wheelchair to let my sister in the back door. Where there's a will there's a way. Been grateful since I started to move at all really but have moments of oh no, dropped a tissue again. Certainly the stroke has changed me. In many ways I'm more easy going but a few things do get to me!

Why for example do I so hate seeing others drive my wheelchair? Maybe there's still an element of jealousy and I haven't totally accepted things. I have thrown my energies into recovery.

Oh well, things will look different after a sleep.


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In my opinion, it is because we are all human. You can't imagine my griefs and I can't imagine yours so I gripe about mine and you gripe about yours. It is the freedom allowed to all. None of the gripes here can compare to people's misery in the middle east/congo. It doesn't mean that we can't discuss our own personal situations.

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When you say you hate seeing others drive your wheelchair, what do you mean exactly? You don't like people to push you around or get in your chair and play with it? I ask because my husband uses a wheelchair and can't talk so I'm always interested in hearing the point of view of other chair users.



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It's if others use it, like sitting in it to put it away.

Too right, always people much worse off than we could ever be.

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I can see why that would bother a chairwheeler user. The people who hop my husband's chair can also make some pretty stupid and thoughtless it's a play toy or choice one makes.



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I'm not sure why, but it bothers me .. always has to see someone playing in a wheel chair. I don't know if it is a "respect" thing with me. I was brought up by parents that were very caring and helping of others. Dad's quote when one of us was whining.. Look around there is always someone worse off than you are.


I think this is a good place for people to feel safe and secure to let their feelings out. True there may be people worse off, but when you are going thru a situation it is good to be able to let it out somewhere. Maybe this is the place for them, so they can carry on ..... IMHO


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You just are an inspiration to us all -

I am not wheelchair-bound, but if i were, don't think i would be as positive as you


I have only the use of my right nand & of course was a real lefty, but life goes on, and with strong people, like you, you make living, even though its hard, easy -


A special congrats to you :Clap-Hands: & for your caregiver :Clap-Hands: - they have a special place in my heart as without the caregivers, survivors would be lost :Clap-Hands:


June :cheer:

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