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Life Today



Well another day, and I'm writing again.


Yesterday I had a lunch for 3 important ladies that have helped me in the past 2 years. They helped me come out of my shell (complete misery/depression), get going about my drivers license, and become Secretary for Golf for the Physically Challenged (I believe I used a different word last night). These ladies was God's answer to all of my rants and raves over the past 3 years.


My son is a chef (almost) and he made a wonderful fish dish for us. All enjoyed and thanked him for the meal. He thanked them for helping me. It was a wonderful afternoon.


Today is Golf day (every Monday and Wednesday that it isn't raining or too hot). Will get dressed at noon, when I get off the computer. Then I'll come home and have a nap (can't believe I still need one at this stage), and then watch Y&R, then supper, then sit outside once it cools down a bit. Here in Oakville, Ontario, today is 30C with humidity about 40C - too hot but that's life in the city. :yukyukyuk:






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